I Pronounce

Our first meeting

If you contact me. We will then schedule an appointment to get to know each other without obligation. I would prefer to meet you personally. Does the distance or other circumstances not allow this? It is then also possible to see and speak to each other online.
During that first conversation you will tell me something about yourselves and tell me what the wedding ceremony of your dreams looks like.
This way we get to know each other in a completely informal way. Just to see if we click.


Foto door Theo Crazzolara van Unsplash

Unlimited possibilities

Are you getting married in Groningen or Limburg? Do you have a destination wedding? It will be a pleasure for me to travel to the wedding location of your dreams.

How nice it will be if you plan your wedding day completely by yourself? Get married at the location you want. At the time you want. With a ceremony the way you want. You decide how long the ceremony lasts and are not limited by prescribed rules. This is possible with an independent wedding officiant.
Are you curious about how it works? I would love to tell you more about it.

Let's get in touch


When you say yes to me

Will you say yes to me? Then I would really like to know what your background is and what is important to you guys. I immerse myself in your culture by reading up, speaking to relatives and friends and tasting the most important snacks or dishes. I am also curious about your love story. How did you meet? Was it love at first sight or not?
To get the whole picture, I will also ask each of you about your life story. It will be a real 'trip down memory lane', which I am already looking forward to.
This information I will use to create the most personal and unique wedding ceremony possible.
Two months before your wedding, I will visit you to discuss in detail with you how we will organize your wedding ceremony. What rituals are woven into it? Do you write your own vows? Which friends or family members get an active role? Of course you can also let me surprise you completely or partially on that day.

Foto door  van Unsplash

Love has no boundaries!